View of village pump looking south
down Chapel Street. Flint dwelling opposite
is now called Owl Cottage. To the right
is space where the police house, now
called Peel House, stands. The camera’s
wide angle lens makes this area more spacious
than it is.
Brenda Smith delivering
wet fish in Chapel Street
No 1 Chapel Street.
Colour pictures mid 1980s
Chapel schoolroom. About 1950
Methodist Chapel centenary. October 1984
John and Dora Kemp, Ben Potter, May Rush, Grace Brown
Miriam Goffin, ????, Miss Keen, Ethel Oakley,
Frances Potter, Sue Yates (nee Cross), Lily Howling
Vicarage side gates and thatched stable.
After Pinchpot is a building now gone
Note large tree by ‘Pinchpot’
Chapel Street (west) and Chapel
© The New Buckenham Society 2015 (rev 2023)
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View of Chapel Street from corner of
almshouses in Castle Hill Road.
Photograph by Maharaja Duleep Singh.
Early 1900s.