Buckenham Castle from Cotman’s Excursions through Norfolk
Click on photo for detailed description
Mummers play and festivities at castle, 1982
Civil War Society reinactment at castle October 1981.  See press account and more photos
Kissing gate on public footpath around north of castle, December 1980
Theatricals by castle keep
Theatricals by Buckenham Castle keep Mummers play and festivities at Buckenham Castle Mummers play and festivities at Buckenham Castle Civil War Society reinactment at Buckenham Castle

Buckenham Castle

Kissing gate outside Buckenham Castle Bridge over Buckenham Castle moat
Bridge over castle moat (postcard about 1900)
New Buckenham Archive
South wall of St Mary’s Chapel before restoration.  Public footpath on right of photograph.  1965 Courtesy George Plunkett collection
Mediaeval style fair at castle, fund raising for a Steiner school.  1983 Photo: Richard Barnes The Fairs Archive
© The New Buckenham Society 2015  (rev 2023)
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Engraved by T Hingham from Cotman’s Excursions Through Norfolk